Unraveling the Mystery of the Heart's Electrical Dance: How Your Heart Beats to Its Own Rhythm!

Unraveling the Mystery of the Heart's Electrical Dance: How Your Heart Beats to Its Own Rhythm!

Heart's Electrical Conduction - Key Concepts and Terminology. Delve into the intricacies of the heart's electrical conduction system with our comprehensive overview. Learn about the physiology, function, and regulation of the heart's electrical pathways. Gain a deeper understanding of this vital organ's complex conduction system with our informative blog.

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On the Frontline: Mastering Scene Assessment for AFA with Calgary & Edmonton Fire Departments

On the Frontline: Mastering Scene Assessment for AFA with Calgary & Edmonton Fire Departments

During an emergency, AFAs are trained to conduct thorough scene assessments to gather crucial information that informs the appropriate course of action. This includes assessing the safety of the scene, identifying hazards, evaluating the mechanism of injury or nature of illness, and determining the number of patients and their condition. By working closely with Calgary & Edmonton Fire Departments, we (EMS) can collaborate on scene management strategies, coordinate resources, and prioritize patient care based on the severity of injuries or illnesses.

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SMR - Spinal Motion Restriction | Professional Responder Skill Series

SMR - Spinal Motion Restriction | Professional Responder Skill Series

While SMR is generally considered a safe and effective method for preventing spinal cord injury, there are certain risks and considerations that must be taken into account, such as the potential…

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