"Ensuring Public Safety: The Crucial Role of Professional Responders in Calgary's Emergency Medical Response System"

"Ensuring Public Safety: The Crucial Role of Professional Responders in Calgary's Emergency Medical Response System"

Advanced First Aid responders are individuals who have undergone advanced first aid training, often in addition to their regular jobs. In Alberta, they are typically found in fire departments, workplaces such as construction sites, factories, and offices where there is a higher risk…

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What is an EMR?

What is an EMR?

The first step for an EMR is to assess the situation for hazards that can harm themselves, their partners, and their patients, and determine the nature of the emergency. They need to determine the level of medical attention needed and make quick decisions…

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Pocket Mask Requirements: First Aid Program Standards in 2021

Pocket Mask Requirements: First Aid Program Standards in 2021

All participants attending classroom training are required to have their own pocket resuscitation mask with single-use one-way valve.

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