High-Performance CPR: Alberta's New Life-Saving Standards

The landscape of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) has evolved significantly with the introduction of high-performance CPR techniques. Guided by the latest ILCOR (International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation) guidelines, the Alberta Health Services (AHS) Emergency Medical Services (EMS) has updated its training and protocols to enhance the effectiveness of CPR. This blog post delves into these changes, the rationale behind them, and the benefits they offer to patients experiencing cardiac emergencies.

Understanding High-Performance CPR

High-performance CPR emphasizes minimizing interruptions during chest compressions, ensuring adequate depth and rate of compressions, and optimizing ventilation. Key changes include:

  1. Reduced Time Off the Chest: Minimizing pauses in chest compressions is critical. Studies have shown that for every 10-second pause in chest compressions, the chance of survival decreases by 11%.

  2. CPR During AED Charging: Performing chest compressions while the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is charging helps maintain circulation and increases the likelihood of a successful defibrillation. Research indicates that this practice can improve survival rates by up to 23%.

Why the Changes?

ILCOR's updated guidelines stem from extensive research and evidence-based studies aimed at improving cardiac arrest survival rates. The primary goals are to enhance the quality of CPR and ensure that rescuers can deliver life-saving interventions more effectively. Some of the critical reasons for these changes include:

  • Improved Coronary Perfusion: Continuous chest compressions help maintain coronary perfusion pressure, which is crucial for the return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). Studies show that maintaining adequate coronary perfusion pressure can double the chances of ROSC.

  • Increased Survival Rates: High-performance CPR techniques have been associated with higher survival rates and better neurological outcomes in cardiac arrest patients. For instance, survival rates with favorable neurological outcomes can increase by up to 50% with continuous high-quality CPR.

  • Consistent Performance: Training rescuers to minimize pauses and perform CPR during AED charging ensures more consistent and effective CPR delivery, reducing variability in the quality of care provided.

Old CPR Effectiveness Statistics

Historically, the effectiveness of CPR has been lower than desired, with several challenges affecting outcomes:

  • Overall Survival Rates: The overall survival rate for out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA) has been relatively low, typically ranging from 5% to 10%.

  • Quality Variability: The quality of CPR varied significantly, affecting survival rates. Inconsistent compression depth and rate, frequent interruptions, and delayed defibrillation contributed to lower success rates.

  • Neurological Outcomes: Only about 8% of OHCA patients survived with good neurological outcomes, often due to inadequate cerebral perfusion during resuscitation efforts.

New Statistics Supporting High-Performance CPR

Research and real-world data have demonstrated the effectiveness of high-performance CPR, showcasing significant improvements:

  • Higher Survival Rates: Implementation of high-performance CPR techniques has increased survival rates for OHCA to 15%-20%. In some high-performing EMS systems, survival rates have reached up to 40%.

  • Improved ROSC Rates: Continuous high-quality chest compressions and minimal interruptions have been shown to improve ROSC rates by 20%-30%.

  • Enhanced Neurological Outcomes: The focus on maintaining coronary and cerebral perfusion has led to better neurological outcomes, with favorable neurological survival increasing to 25%-30%.

AHS EMS Implementation

The Alberta Health Services EMS has adopted these guidelines and integrated them into their CPR training programs across Alberta, including major centers like Calgary, Edmonton, and Red Deer. Here's how the updated course is structured:

1. Comprehensive Training Modules

AHS EMS training includes detailed modules on high-performance CPR techniques, focusing on:

  • Chest Compression Quality: Emphasizing the importance of compression depth (5-6 cm) and rate (100-120 compressions per minute). Research highlights that correct compression depth can increase survival rates by up to 30%.

  • Minimizing Interruptions: Techniques to reduce pauses, including immediate resumption of compressions after defibrillation. Studies have shown that minimizing interruptions can improve survival rates by 25%.

  • Team Coordination: Ensuring seamless transitions and communication among rescuers to maintain continuous chest compressions.

2. Hands-On Practice

Trainees undergo extensive hands-on practice sessions to perfect their skills. Scenarios are designed to simulate real-life cardiac arrest situations, allowing participants to practice:

  • Performing CPR during AED charging

  • Quickly switching roles without interruptions

  • Effective ventilation techniques with minimal delays

3. Performance Evaluation

Regular assessments are conducted to evaluate the rescuers' proficiency in high-performance CPR. Feedback is provided to ensure continuous improvement and adherence to the guidelines.

Professions That Benefit

The updated CPR training is crucial for a variety of professions, including:

  • Emergency Medical Services: Primary Care Paramedics (PCP) and Advanced Care Paramedics (ACP) are often the first responders in cardiac emergencies and need to be adept at performing high-quality CPR.

  • Firefighters: Frequently the first on the scene in urban areas, firefighters play a critical role in providing immediate care before EMS arrival.

  • Police Officers: First responders who may arrive before EMS and need to perform CPR in critical moments.

  • Healthcare Professionals: Nurses, doctors, dentists, physical therapists, and other healthcare staff must be proficient in high-performance CPR to provide the best care in emergencies.

  • Lifeguards: Responsible for the immediate care of drowning victims and other emergencies in aquatic environments.

  • Teachers and Coaches: In schools and sports settings, teachers and coaches trained in CPR can save lives during athletic events or other activities.

Why Choose Delta Emergency Support Training?

Delta Emergency Support Training stands out as a leader in CPR training for several reasons:

  • Expert Instructors: Our trainers are highly experienced professionals who work in EMS and Fire, and stay updated with the latest guidelines and techniques.

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: We offer a thorough training program that covers all aspects of high-performance CPR, ensuring that participants are well-prepared for real-life emergencies.

  • State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our training centers are equipped with the latest technology and tools to provide the best hands-on learning experience.

  • Proven Track Record: Delta Emergency Support Training has a strong reputation for delivering high-quality training that meets the highest standards of care.

Benefits of High-Performance CPR

Implementing these updated CPR techniques offers several benefits:

  1. Higher Survival Rates: Consistent high-quality CPR improves the chances of survival and favorable outcomes for cardiac arrest patients. Research indicates that high-performance CPR can increase survival rates by up to 60%.

  2. Enhanced Efficiency: Rescuers can deliver more effective interventions, increasing the likelihood of ROSC. Efficient CPR delivery has been shown to improve ROSC rates by 20%.

  3. Better Training Outcomes: EMS personnel trained in high-performance CPR are more prepared and confident in handling cardiac emergencies.


The adoption of high-performance CPR techniques, as per the ILCOR guidelines, marks a significant advancement in cardiac emergency care. Alberta Health Services EMS is at the forefront of this transformation, ensuring that their training equips rescuers with the skills needed to save lives effectively. By minimizing interruptions and performing CPR during AED charging, we can significantly improve survival rates and outcomes for cardiac arrest patients.

Stay informed and updated with the latest in CPR techniques by attending certified training programs. Remember, your ability to perform high-quality CPR can make a crucial difference in an emergency. For more information on CPR training and certification, visit Delta Emergency Support Training.