Critical Skills for Physiotherapists: The Canadian Red Cross BLS Certification Course for Life-Threatening Emergencies

Physiotherapists Register for the Canadian Red Cross Basic Life Support Recertification Course

As a physiotherapist, you are dedicated to improving the health and well-being of your patients. In order to be fully prepared to handle any emergency situation, it's important to have a solid understanding of basic life support (BLS) techniques. The Canadian Red Cross BLS certification course offered by Delta Emergency provides the necessary training to equip physiotherapists with the skills needed to handle life-threatening emergencies. In this blog post, we'll explore the details of this course, including the use of a Simulaids Airway Trainer, Prestan Professional Mannikins with a Bluetooth app for CPR results.

a bls trained Physiotherapist working in a cardiac recovery centre in calgary. Blood pressure being taken while a patient walks on a treadmill for a stress test.

As a physiotherapist, you may encounter patients who are at risk of experiencing cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest. Here are a few examples:

  1. Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): COPD is a chronic lung disease that can cause shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. Patients with COPD may be at risk of respiratory arrest, especially during exacerbations of their condition.

  2. Patients with neuromuscular disorders: Patients with conditions such as muscular dystrophy or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) may experience respiratory failure due to weakness of the respiratory muscles.

  3. Patients undergoing surgery: Anesthesia and surgical procedures can increase the risk of cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest. Physiotherapists may be involved in the post-operative care of these patients and may need to respond to emergencies.

  4. Patients with heart disease: Patients with conditions such as coronary artery disease, heart failure, or arrhythmias may be at risk of cardiac arrest. Physiotherapists may encounter these patients during cardiac rehabilitation or in other settings.


It's important for physiotherapists to be prepared to respond to emergencies in any patient population they may encounter. The Canadian Red Cross BLS certification course provides valuable training in basic life support techniques that can be applied to a variety of patient situations.

Overview of the Canadian Red Cross BLS Certification Course:

The Canadian Red Cross BLS certification course is designed to provide healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize and respond to life-threatening emergencies. The course covers a range of topics, including basic life support techniques such as CPR, the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs), and how to manage airway and breathing emergencies.

The course is taught by experienced instructors who are certified by the Canadian Red Cross. It consists of a combination of online learning and in-person skills training. The online portion covers the theoretical aspects of the course, including the principles of BLS, the Chain of Survival, and the steps involved in performing CPR. The in-person skills training component focuses on hands-on practice with the use of Simulaids Airway Trainer and Prestan Professional Mannikins.

Use of Simulaids Airway Trainer:

The Simulaids Airway Trainer is a sophisticated device used to simulate airway management scenarios. It provides a realistic experience for trainees and allows them to practice a range of airway management techniques, such as intubation and suctioning, in a safe and controlled environment. The Airway Trainer is an excellent tool for physiotherapists who may be called upon to manage airway emergencies in their practice.

Use of Prestan Professional Mannikins with a Bluetooth app:

The Prestan Professional Mannikins are high-quality CPR training mannequins that provide realistic feedback on the effectiveness of chest compressions. They feature a built-in Bluetooth app that allows trainees to monitor and track their CPR performance in real-time. This technology is a valuable tool for physiotherapists who want to ensure they are providing the highest quality of care to their patients in an emergency situation.

Empowering Physiotherapists to Save Lives: Conclusion

The Canadian Red Cross BLS certification course offered by Delta Emergency is an excellent resource for physiotherapists looking to enhance their emergency response skills. With a combination of online learning and hands-on training with the use of Simulaids Airway Trainer and Prestan Professional Mannikins, this course provides a comprehensive understanding of basic life support techniques. By completing this course, physiotherapists will be better equipped to handle life-threatening emergencies and provide their patients with the highest quality of care.

At Delta Emergency Support Training we are happy to answer any questions you may have about Basic Life Support. We provide training sessions for individuals or classes. We have options for in person, hybrid or online classes for Standard First Aid (SFA), Advanced First Aid (AFA), Emergency Medical Responder (EMR), Basic Life Support (BLS) and more courses. For all inquiries please email