Delta Emergency Support Training

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Winter Flames: Fire Safety During the Holidays

As winter approaches, the warmth of holiday celebrations often coincides with an increased risk of fire hazards. This comprehensive guide delves into specific winter dangers, equipping everyone with the knowledge to prevent potential risks during festive times.

1. Candles Safety

Winter often sees the cozy glow of candles, but their allure comes with potential dangers. For firefighters and civilians, a meticulous approach to candle safety is imperative:

Never leave candles unattended:

  • Stress the importance of creating a habit of extinguishing candles before leaving a room or going to bed.

  • Recommend the use of flameless LED candles, especially in environments where the risk is elevated.

Keep candles away from flammable items:

  • Emphasize the necessity of maintaining a significant distance between candles and potentially flammable materials like curtains or decorations.

  • Encourage the use of stable candle holders on non-combustible surfaces.

2. Wood Stove Fireplaces

Wood stoves add a rustic charm to winter nights, but their use requires careful attention. In-depth safety guidelines are crucial:

Regular maintenance:

  • Advocate for annual professional inspections of chimneys and wood stoves, highlighting the risks of creosote buildup.

  • Emphasize the safe disposal of ashes in metal containers, stored away from flammable materials.

Safe fueling practices:

  • Educate on the importance of using only seasoned wood to minimize creosote accumulation.

  • Reinforce the significance of not overloading the stove and strictly adhering to manufacturer guidelines for fuel capacity.

3. Twinkling Lights and Dry Trees

Decorative lights on dry Christmas trees can turn festivities into emergencies. A detailed look at safety measures is vital:

Choose the right lights:

  • Highlight the use of lights labeled for indoor Christmas tree use.

  • Encourage a meticulous pre-use inspection for frayed wires or damaged sockets.

Keep the tree hydrated:

  • Stress the importance of consistent tree watering to prevent it from drying out and becoming a fire hazard.

  • Advocate for prompt tree disposal after the holidays or when it shows signs of dryness.

4. Space Heater Safety

Space heaters provide warmth but require cautious use:

Proper Placement:

  • Emphasize keeping space heaters at least three feet away from flammable materials.

  • Educate on the importance of placing heaters on a level, flat surface.

Regular Maintenance:

  • Stress the need for regular inspection, cleaning, and maintenance of space heaters.

  • Encourage the use of newer models with safety features like tip-over switches.

5. Holiday Cooking Safety

Festive cooking can be a source of joy and potential hazards

Safe Kitchen Habits:

  • Stress the importance of never leaving cooking unattended, especially with open flames or hot surfaces.

  • Advocate for the use of timers and monitoring devices to prevent kitchen fires.

Appliance Safety:

  • Emphasize proper usage of kitchen appliances, especially stovetops and ovens.

  • Encourage regular inspection of cooking equipment for potential issues.

6. Other Winter Hazards

Electric heaters:

  • Reinforce maintaining a safe distance between heaters and flammable materials.

  • Emphasize the habit of turning off heaters when leaving the room or going to bed.


  • Stress the necessity of placing generators outside and away from windows to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

  • Advocate for strict adherence to manufacturer guidelines for safe operation.


This winter, the joint efforts of firefighters and civilians are paramount in ensuring a season filled with warmth, joy, and, above all, safety. By understanding the nuances of winter fire safety, we can collectively transform the holiday season into a celebration marked by security and peace of mind. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and make this winter a season to remember for all the right reasons. Wishing you a safe and joyous holiday season!